Monday, October 12, 2009

Sometimes I Want to Live in Jane Austen's World

In Jane Austen's world day-to-day activities took a slower pace... at least for the gentry.  In Jane Austen's world women had time to sit around and stitch doilies... if they were "accomplished" women.  In Jane Austen's world, there were no telephones, no computers, no cell phones, no Blackberries, no iPods, no mp3 players, no texting, no tweeting, no blogs.  Sometimes I want to live in Jane Austen's world and I remind myself of that every day with this old picture I found in a resale shop.  It hangs above my dresser in my bedroom.  Sometimes I sigh and imagine stitching something whilst sitting next to a sunny lace curtained window -- probably waiting for Mr. Darcy to call.

You might be able to tell from this photo that in the lower right corner of the picture, the glass is broken.  I won't replace it.  It always reminds me that nothing is perfect -- probably not even in Jane Austen's world.

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Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet-
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

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