Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I've added a new gadget to my blog - Followers.  Currently, there are five people who have followed RubyLemons without any help from me.   It's been recommended that I make it easier for potential "followers."  Back in September, I started this blog without much knowledge of the blog world.  Some of my friends as unlearned as I, tell me "I'd follow you, but I don't know how."  Maybe my Followers gadget will make that easier.  It requires establishing a Google account, but then if you follow several blogs, you can log into one place and see all new posts.
I also subscribe to Google Analytics which tells me a lot about who is reading my blog.  It tells me how many times a specific person visits my blog, where they live, how they get to my blog and how long they stay on my blog - everything but their names, addresses, and favorite food!  According to Google Analytics, there are currently about 75 people that read my blog regularly.  I think.  If I'm interpreting things correctly.  Also, I have a few readers who have visited more than once from Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Germany, Romania and France.  Guten tag, bonjour,  salut, and benvenuti!  Google Analytics also tells me my most popular post to date was the post about my Barbie jacket.  Anyway, if I subtract my sister, my mother, brother, daughter, and son who are regular readers, there are still 70 or so others of you who find what I post interesting enough to return frequently.  Thank you all.  Feel free to "follow."  Who knows, maybe I'll run a contest one of these days!

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Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet-
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

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